Top 5 Books

5 Books Everyone Should Read

Reading Time: 3 minutes

I’ve read hundreds of books on topics ranging from psychology, investing and human achievement. What follows is my list of the 5 core books I believe everyone should read. They are the books that have influenced my life the most.

I used very specific criteria to assemble this list. The books had to be applicable regardless of the reader’s profession. The information had to be applicable to young and older people.  Finally, the skills taught had to be timeless.  

So, whether you’re 18 years old or 80, a nuclear physicist or sanitation engineer, these books are for you. The central skill these 5 books promote is how to think. In various ways, they help you gain a deep understanding into how your mind works. This knowledge will improve every aspect of your life. Your current relationships will improve. You’ll become more approachable. The psychological triggers we all use in the decision-making process will become clear. Finally, you’ll understand what it takes to achieve anything of significance in life.

They are books everyone should read at some point in their lives. The earlier the better. I re-read them each year and every time I discover a valuable nugget I previously overlooked.

Think and Grow Rich

Think and Grow Rich illustrates the power of goal-setting, consistent action and accurate thinking. The book recounts various historical events and shows how definite purpose and unbreakable will resulted in some of the greatest human achievements.

The stories of the Founding Fathers, Andrew Carnegie, and Henry Ford are among the examples that show what’s possible when failure is never considered an option. If I could only read one book on human achievement, this would be it. I’ve re-read Think and Grow Rich over 20 times at this point.

Buy it here on Amazon

Lead the Field

Ever wonder what it takes to truly stand out from the crowd? Earl Nightingale, provides a clear blueprint for achievement. His guidance on attitude, list-making and consistency are easy to digest and implement. At just over 100 pages, it can be easily completed in an afternoon.  Lead the Field is my kind of book in that the message is very direct with little to no filler. Earl says just enough to make his point and no more.

If you opt for the audio version of this book, you’ll also be treated to one of the most unique voices you’ll ever hear.

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The Black Swan

This book made the list because of the author’s unique take on how to analyze events in the world around us. Taleb defines a “black swan” event as rare, causes extreme impact, and has retrospective predictability. An example cited in the book is the terrorist attack of September 11th, 2001. The book really drives home the point that past events are no sure predictor of the future. This is due to the cognitive biases we’re all subject to. The book also makes the point that linear progression really only exists in our minds. It’s practically non-existent in the natural world.

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Influence: The Psychology of Human Persuasion

This book explains how the 6 major cognitive biases affect our decision-making. It helped me understand how good marketing targets these biases. Accurate bias stimulation can move a person to say “yes” to a purchase or decision that they might otherwise not make. It’s important knowledge to have in your toolkit since you’ll be able to more easily identify when you’re being manipulated.

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How to Win Friends and Influence People

We accomplish anything of significance in life with the help of others. At a minimum, How to Win Friends and Influence People will help you understand the triggers that make you attractive or unattractive to others. It helped me realize the importance of being a better listener. I also learned that “being “right” isn’t always the right thing.” Pick your battles wisely and share your viewpoints in a non-critical way. I can’t think of a better book than Dale Carnegie’s masterwork that will improve your relationships with others.

Buy it here on Amazon

The thing I love about these books is how they improve the decision-making process. Because our life is shaped by the decisions we make, this skill is extremely powerful. Check out my Video Book Reviews page for other great reads. Which books would make it into your personal list of top books everyone should read?  Let me know in the comments below!

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